Update On Laysons Problem

The guy working on the side is HUTCHFISH! I give him credit for calling me and then talking to management at LAYSONS.So he tried really hard to help me out.He may be very well a really good guy to deal with so don't cut him short.He did state that his deals had nothing to do with Laysons other than the merchandise comes from there,he states he has authority to cut the deals,and he personally handles all orders!.So If he can cut you a deal go for it.Give him a try. If not for him it never would have gone this far.I just wanted to make everyone aware of my deal and how sour it has gone. I hate to see the people that work hard get a RAW DEAL! As I said the cost of the seat cover will not hurt me financially like it may some people on a really tight budget,not that I am rich! because I am certainly not.But I did save for my retirement and hard times when I worked hard and made real good $$$!

Also in my earlier years before my heartattacks and heart surgery I would have drove 2000 miles to see MR. DAVE in PERSON,and get the problem corrected ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.Meaning I would have either received a cash refund or headed back to TEXAS with enough *** to mount on the wall for a trophy! But I can't do things like that anymore! What a bummer I sure do miss all the fun!LOL I just have to be MELLOW and CALM nowdays! The only time I get the heart really pumping is when I am burning tires and shifting gears!LOL I need to figure out a way to hook this pacemaker /difibulator to the ignition system so if it FIRES It will create some EXTRA SPARK! LOL

Bobby Dodson