Repairing small section of rust on the body

you could probably get your car into a career center where the students work on your car (under the guidance of a teacher who is a certified).

doing it this way you may be able to get it done for free or at a discount compared to what you might pay elsewhere.

its an option anyhow.

I myself would do the work on my own but thats only because I trust myself to tackle such a job.

there are different ways of doing the job, the right way and the wrong way. If you don't "care" about how long the repair lasts or if you have plans of selling it....then you could of course do the "hack job" by putting duct tape on the back side of the panel or something and just smearing bondo over the rusty area and call it good.

but as I said...that is NOT the right way lol.

I had a pile of crap 86 mustang years ago that was rusted out and a friend of mine wanted it but only if it "LOOKED" better....key word is "LOOK" LOL.

so needless to say....I filled the holes with wadded up autotrader magazines and expando foam ,screwed window screen over the hole thing and bondoed the crap out of it and spray painted it. LOL.

I don't make a habbit out of working that way but my friend did not care how it was done or how long it would last,just as long as it LOOKED normal.

and I figured....why was just a ford lol