kit-bashing a 1/25th scale model of my Dart.. need help

Hiya gang.. so, I have a 1/25 model kit of a 69 Dart sealed in the box that I have been meaning to get around to for years now.. Now that my Darts theme is all worked out (see 'project Bills Buggy' in the resto forum) I want to build as close to a scale model of my car as I can to display in the curio cabinet with the rest of the cool cars I have collected.. Besides its freaking cold out and I cant spend as much time working on the real thing as I would like right now..

Anyways heres where the kit bashing part comes in... My Dart has rallye wheels and will eventualy get a Duster scoop on it.. so these things need to be represented in the scale model.. I am sure I have seen model kits of Dusters and such that had the rallye wheels.. but I am unsure if there are any model kits that have that Duster scoop in them.. if anyone knows of such a kit, or has a couple 1/25 model kits they dont mind parting with let me know.. I hate to break up a perfectly good model kit to get the few parts I need for mine (kinda feels like a miniature parting out of a car LMAO) .. but this is something I would really like to do..