Fire/Paramedic/police/Healthcare members

I recently left a job at the local hospital as a Triage Tech. Great job if you like helping people, bad job if you want to stay healthy. On busy days I triaged 80-90 people and even with all the precautions I caught MRSA, and numerous respiratory and abdominal bugs. Let me add that up until I started working there I have always been very healthy and hardly even get colds. I eventually left when I noticed that the ER Doc was pulling everyone's records and when I asked him why he said that people with HIV many times would not reveal that fact to ER personnel. I was ok with that as I used universal precautions with everyone. The clincher came when a nurse in a hurry to help me load a dead body accidentally grabbed a chest tube and I wound up getting sprayed in the eyes and face with blood. As it were the deceased was a homeless, degenerate, alcoholic that local law enforcement knew well. I had to go through the emergency shots that must be administered before the 2 hour window closes. Add to that all the politics and drama. I pushed eject, fortunately I kept my Science Teaching Certification current and I am returning to the classroom. The grass is not always greener.