DIY quality paint job

Hey guy, Im a professional automotive refinisher by trade for over 20 years. Yes you can definately paint in your garage... You will need lots of air in reserve in your compressor, and a good exhaust fan. Especially if using solvent basecoats. We use waterborne basecoats in our shop now, and its far better than trying to keep your solvent born metallic basecoats in control to prevent any streaking, and it wont get you stoned outta your mind while doing the job (maybe thats a drawback for some though haha). But seriously, dont waste your time with any solvent born single stage paints. They will not last like a basecoat/clearcoat paintjob. Prepwork is the key before you even attempt to paint your car. Theres nothing worse than spending hours on a job only to find out you used too coarse a sandpaper in the prep and seeing every sandscratch coming through your paintjob. If your not going to seal the car, then a quality wet/dry 600 grit will be fine. Final wipe with a wax/grease remover, then blow and tack and start applying your basecoat. Even strokes medium wet and when each coat flashes off (eggshell) then tack and apply next coat. After letting last coat flash sufficiently, your good to final tack and clear.

There are so many variables in achieving a quality paint job that its hard to write them all down. Im sure ive missed several and appoligise in advance. Good luck, and lets see some pics when your done...