Changing a truck cab

Sorry, not an A body question. I would ask on, but chances of someone getting back to me in under a month is pretty slim.

The cab on my 65 Fargo is pretty badly rotted. Cab mounts are gone, floor is starting to disappear, the doors sag, and it's just getting beyond repair.
I have a 66 Dodge, and the cab is like brand new, not a bit of rust anywhere, very clean, all the glass is good.
My question is, how hard is it to change the cab? I realize I'll have to pull the steering column along with some electrical, but anything else? Oh, a fuel line I suppose since my tank is behind the seat. What are the chances of twisting the cab, or shattering the glass if we wrap a strap around it and pick it up with the excavator?

Well now, gald you asked this as I have a 77 crew cab and an 81 crew, I'm going to take the 77 cab & put it on the 81 as the 81 was layed on it's side and is tweaked.

So far I've removed the 4 cab body mount bolts & started removing the fenders. As you mentioned with the fuel lines, brake lines and wiring and column/shift linkage I thing it's ready to go. My plan of attack is to open the doors and maybe use a 4X4 threw the inside of the cab (not using the doors as a lifting point) and hook to the 4X4 and lift the cab that way with an "A" frame. However I'm open for suggestions like yourself.