T10 to 440

With the track record the A-833's have over the years, I'm not sure I understand why we NEED these alleged high strength gearsets, and I STILL see no proof from you that a T-10 with some gear or other is any stronger.

Before stuff like Lenco came along, people like Ronnie Sox didn't seem to have much trouble.

There certainly isn't a big huge line at the T-10 store full of racers with helmet and checkbook in hand.

what proof are you looking for?:bball:

you just don't get it do you...i said in modified form, a t-10 is stronger...you cant modify an 833 can you???? didnt think so:happy6:

if you really want to know, talk to a fella named Don Pearon, he may be able to PROVE it you

now stop busting my balls please:thumblef: