1st Season T & T's

You did real well this year, compared to me.
Over the years I whittled my way down to a 12.62 @ 102 and never found that numer or anything close to it again. Been batteling with lots of bugs, with the old car and even more with the new one. Can never get the cars to run consistant numbers either.
Like Mikel said remember it's fun.
Next year will be even better for you once you get the tranny shifting worked out and the car to hook up right. Just remember it might be one step forward and two back when you change the gears. It will probably really over power the tires with 4.30's and a higher stall converter. You might want to think about how to get , and what to do about the way the car hooks up, while you are doing the upgrades over the winter.
I have been changing multiple things, between the distributor, and carburator, and haven't gotten the chance to get it back to the track yet. And to add to it I will be changing at least the torque converter and possibly the tranny over the winter, So I won't know what affected what. That will be the fustration part. The fun part will be when I can make a full complete pass with nothing going wrong.
Good luck and we will try and help with the traction part of you're combo, but with 4.30' the 26" tires might be a little short