360 build up advice

This cat lives near me. He (AKA PANIC) seems like a preety dam cool dude. We have e-mailed each other back and forth a few times. He is very smart and can be hard to follow. If you think you have the same level of knowledge, your probably wrong. He has gone way over my head. While the convos were very good, I had to stop and research some things before commenting, "Duhhh...I um.. well, Ahhh, Duhhh...." from time to time.

LilRed, perhaps the fuel leaked out. The O-rings in the carb could be dried out or offset/not sitting just right. The carb has dual to triple vents, so fuel evporation is possible after shut off. Between the heat from the intake/engine and preety much open to the air, fuel can go bad in no time flat if it didn't evaporate fully. Also, throttle shaft leaks are possible while NOT under pressure and while under pressure, no leak! I know, that is backwards, but possible. Been there done that.

I also have this issue with a few rebuilt carbs (T-Q's) I put them up on a bench, filled them with fuel and just waited. No drips, no leaks. But the level did go down. Evaporation.

You'll have to have a good battery and crank it a few good rounds to refill the bowls (Partialy at least) in order to get it back to where it needs to be.