3g Hemi Rebuild Guide?

because the charger has MDS. and he probably swapped out the lifters to remove it. (lifters are under the head) or to swap out the valve springs. as they must be changed for just about all cam swaps. it can be done with the head on the motor, but without the correct spring compressor tool its just about impossable. i pull them every time because i dont want to worry about loosing a valve spring keeper, or dropping a valve into the motor. to me its just easier.

the lifters are the same in the motor. i swapped the cam to a franks racing sidewinder and they recommended using 6.1L valve springs and also replacing the pushrods. my brother is a former chrysler tech and he said its just easier to pull the heads and do the spring swap on the bench. since the kit i bought had new head bolts and gaskets it wasnt really that much work to do. i was very glad we pulled them since we dropped a valve spring keeper into the head a few times on the bench since we did it during the winter in my unheated garage.