Visit the ALL NEW Website!!!

Are you doing internal components ?


Not at the present time. Dry film lubricants and thermal barrier coatings are generally applied with an airbrush and cured in a little toaster oven. :-D

My first time visting PhoenixSpeaialityCoatings website and thought it looked cool,great job.

Thanks for checking it out plumdart69! I appreciate it, as well as your comments.

The new site is great.................we just need more shots of the Mistress her self.

LOL!!! I'll keep that in mind Roger.

Much Better! Very professional looking now and I like that the gallery pics don't expand the page like the old site.
I'm sure this will pave the way to increased business.

Joe, I agree that was one of the most irritating things about my old site, scrolling six miles that way ----------------> to see the pictures, and it took forever to load. Glad you like the changes!

Super job on the website and the feedback section Leanna!

Thank you John! It's an honor to have received comments like that from ya'll to post. :-D Your personal promotional efforts on PSC's behalf deserved special recognition ... can't believe the shop's really in print now! Wooooooo Thanks again << hug >>

Nice site....We love swag. When I get caught up I'll be sending work your way. Do you do high temp coatings like for exhaust manifolds?
Thanks Mike

Thanks Mike! I got out of high temp ceramics a couple years ago. I can refer you to a friend in Chattanooga who does nice work -- shoot me a PM.

I appreciate everyone looking it over. This new site was built from comments about my old one so if you have any suggestions for improvement, don't hesitate to toss them out there. :-D