flasher stays hot

First, DO NOT EVER "check" an alternator by disconnecting the battery

1 It doesn't prove anything. An alternator could have some blown diodes/ other problem, and only putting out a small percentage of rated power, and might "pass" this so called test

2 If the engine doesn't happen to be running fast enough, it'll die anyway

3 The big problem is that the more and more electronic devices you have, the better the chance is that you'll "kill" something like your stereo.

Doing this sends a TREMENDOUS high voltage surge across the battery 12V buss, and can kill tachometers, radios, voltage regulators, and so on.

AS FAR AS your flasher.

ARE YOU absolutely sure you are not feeling around up there and getting ahold of the cigarette lighter?

First thing to do is get a test lamp, and with the car parked and shut off, and allow enough time to be sure the thing IS getting warm, take a test lamp and check

the two blade terminals
and the case

to see if there is power there.

Next pull the flasher out, and check the two connector terminals to see which terminal is hot. Notice the wire color and refer to a diagram to see where it comes from, that is, the power side, or the column side.

Look for evidence that the harness has been chopped up. If this is TRUELY the signal flasher and not the 4 way flasher, it should only get power with the key "on."

I will say this This sounds like a strange problem.

With the key off there should be no power

With the signal switch centered, there should be no load. In other words, both connections of the flasher "should" go nowhere.