stock rocker spacing.

I think what Rumble is saying(not to butt in) Is that your rockers should never be loose enough to slide back and forth easily.
No no no, do butt in. Your right, that's what I'm saying in a up and down manor, not side to side, but it still applies. It should have been mentioned with my reply.
However, when the lifter is on the base circle of the cam, that's when there is the most play. Some is normal. I just do not have a measurement to say OK or to much.

340, I don't think shims under the bar, the only ones I know of, is the answer. It would provided more room. The Mech. rocker gear has spacers. You can get them in different widths. Or used to.

I still think this
MP makes HD versions of the rocker. $80
is the best option across the board and it is very inexpensive.