stupid thieves

Sorry, just need to vent. My son has my 02 Mitsubishi at Iowa State since his Duster wasn't quite road worthy yet for a 700 drive.

On Wednesday night someone broke the rear passenger window and tried to take the Alpine deck that's in it. Notice I said tried. They tore up the trim around the deck, instead of simply popping it off without damage.

All it would have taken to get the deck out is a phillips screwdriver. If they would have had one of those, it would have been 5 minutes.

So, how stupid do you have to be to try to jack stereos out of cars, and not have simple tools along?

Anyways, the timing was right since we were going to Iowa this past weekend, called a junk yard there in Ames, they actually had a window for it, only $40, which was better than $278 through SafeLite. So, $40 and an hour of time and at least the window is replaced. Not worried about the trim right now, if it looks like someone already ripped the stereo out, maybe they won't try it again. Also heard that they hit a camaro parked right next to him, and a few other cars in the parking lot.

Okay, venting over, just cannot believe how stupid people are.