Fuel Line Mod Done - Still Having Hot Restart Issues


I used to have the same issues. And I had the same fuel filter. Fuel would slowly drain away and be replaced by air.

I think the fuel will naturally drain back over time no matter what. My issues were

1. vacuum leak
2. needed timing adjustment
3. needed new spark plugs and spark plug wires, cap and rotor

Fixing the vacuum leak didnt cost me any money and it made the biggest difference. I had a bad vacuum leak under the carb. Carb has 8 holes, only 4 are meant to be used at n e given time. Previous owner drilled a "thru" hole on one of the 8 holes he didnt end up filling with a bolt or stud. So at all times there was an extra 1/4"+ hole sucking air. That threw off my air/fuel mixture at all rpm's and at start up. Made startup take much longer.

4. I had "dead spot" upon hitting throttle, or "bog". The squirter on my Holley was very small. I changed out the 30cc accellerator pump cams for the whole variety available..........improvement but no cigar. I changed out the squirters for the whole variety available.........improvement but no cigar. Last I installed a 50cc accelerator pump. Put squirter back to "baseline" and put in smallest 50cc accelerator pump cam.............success! And followed w/ a lil fine tuning with the squirter size.

If you decide to fiddle with carb,,,,,,just make 1 change at a time then test. Easier to narrow things down.

Take it easy,

Bad Shrimp