death by steering column (stupid question)

I was driving my 06 Ram 1500 the other day and something occured to me my steering wheel is able to tilt and therefore it must have some kind of u-joint fairly close to the dash assembly (du'h). but on my valiant the steering column can't do this, in fact, i took a look and it appears that there are no u-joints on the column at all. my question is this...

in the event of a head on colision wouldn't this make the steering column into somewhat a of a spear that could impale you? I've heard of deaths like this, and i'm wondering if it would be possible to buy/build a steering column that colapses upon impact or just has a couple of u-joins between me and the k-member. This may be all speculation but it makes sense to me.

I know it's a dumb question so feel free to rip all you like.