USPS Priortity mail boxes reusable?

well the post office will mail you free flat rate boxes. so people were getting them and turning them inside out and not using them for flat rate shipping. Id have to guess thats why they put the inside lettering.

they should have just stopped giving damn boxes out for free. wouldn't that have been easier than printing inside the boxes?
Don't try to apply logic to the Post Office, worked there for close to 20 years and never could grasp some of the nonsense that went on. A big part of the problem is most of the sorting is done by automated machinery. Basicly, everything is read by OCR type of equipment. So any type that is on the package is bound to send the package/mail into the reject shoot of whatever machine it is running on. And any piece of mail that needs to be worked by the PO costs them money. One DBCS, a type of sorting machine, can handle over 30,000 pieces of mail an hour, with just 2 clerks running it. No way 2 clerks are going to process that much by hand. Same applies to packages, most areas have a Processing center that has an area dedicated to handling just packages. They use a machine called the APPS machine. It works off of Character reading. If a package runs thru the machine and even a small piece of a previously used box has a readable address it might make the machine mis-sort it. Then this package has to be worked by hand. So when the PO decided to print on the inside of the box the intention was not to keep you from reusing the box, but to help itself avoid a Mis-sent package, which effects both the scores and the bottom line of the PO. The PO uses this scoreing system for several things. One of which used to be . EAS employees are management. So by a certain region having higher scores management in that area would get a raise. Now the scores are being used as a tracking device. If the SW Region has an EXFC rating, of say 97%, it means that 97% of it's first class mail is being delivered on time, overnight for local mail and 2-3 days for non-local. The PO has shifted it's goals. Used to be moving the mail was it's priority, now it is just trying to save itself. Times are a changing in the PO. And change is not always good. Used to be, if you were hurt off the job, they would just put you in a light duty job and leave you be. If you were hurt on the job, they would put you in a limited duty job. You would still get your 40 hours either way. Now, at least where I retired from, if you are hurt off the job they tell you just to stay home. On the job, you run the risk of getting dumped in the "Reassessment Program" .This happens to you, basicly you will be losing your job. Sorry for the length.....