1967 Plymouth Barracuda Convert trim moulding

thanks, and I look forward to seeing yours! ***edit*** wow your car is going to be nice! I went through the same thing, hopefully you don't have to replace a frame rail.

I was just trying to help the thread starter though. I am still not sure what trim he is talking about.
I am wondering if he is talking about the part that comes on the new weather stripping/cat whiskers piece? If so, that is easy.

Yes it is hard guessing which piece he is looking for but i am sure he will log in soon and clear it up. One of these days my car may be done and i do hope it is nice when I get it finished. I had scanned most of the pictures i had taken of the car as it makes it's progress but photo bucket isn't letting me upload them. Don't worry I didn't have to replace a frame rail........I had to replace both :grin: