20yrold wnt To Move SouthCarolina Please

Let me say good for you for getting started on your pursuit of happiness.:cheers:
Just curious, why South Carolina in particular?

A couple things come to mind, one thing, stay above the 'gnat line,' that's basically the part of the state that was once underwater, that includes Columbia...there's no place hotter in the summer, just ask anyone who's lived there lol.

Also, don't forget about culture shock. A lot of people in this part of the country, to put it bluntly, are ignorant and proud of it. Here's a funny story: I went with a friend to spend Thanksgiving with his family just outside of Columbia. Thanksgiving morning, we took his sister and brother-in law and niece out to Waffle House for breakfast. The waitress also happened to be the niece's daughter's teacher. So when the bill came, it was just under $50. My friend paid the cashier with 3 20's and put the change on the table. His brother-in-law started raising hell about the tip "You may live a ROCK STAR LIFESTYLE in Atlanta but we don't live that way here!!!" Really, is tipping 20% at a Waffle House...on Thanksgiving...when you know the waitress...that big a deal? We still laugh about the 'rockstar lifestyle' comment!