69 dart quarter window

What part # did you order, and did you change it while it was in the car? Any tips/tricks?
I just looked to see if it had a part # It didn't. If you want you can by my extra. Working with the quarter windows is about as frustrating as working with electrical. You can put the roller in with out taking the window out but its a sqeeze. You will need to take the old roller and put it on the new roller and stud and snap the keeper washer on.take the side panel off . you will have to use both acksess holes. I had my window felts out that made it easier for me. Once you get one roller into the window frame you will have to roll the window up until it gets to the top of the vertical guide. You may have to remove window stops so it can go up that far. Once you get the roller to the top its just a matter of working the other roller into the guide.