Body panel replacement tips/advice needed

Ok guys, soon I will be tackling the metal work on the duster!

I put my tail panel on order and both lower rear quarter panel patches on order and I also put a flanging/hole punching tool on order.

I have a couple of questions though.

when I go to do the panel replacements , should I be flanging the metal on the quarter panel and setting the patch panel into the recess I flanged into the quarter?

or should I be flanging the patch panel and placing it into the quarter panel?

I would assume (atleast my plan was) to lay my replacement panel against the quarter panel as a reference and trace out where I wanted.

then I was going to roughly trace a line about a half inch below that line as my actual cut line.

I was then going to use the flange tool on the quarter panel (that is the reason for the added half inch or so because I figure the flange will be somewhere around a half of an inch in size give or take).

then I was going to clean up all the metal and use some weld through primer.

then I was going to pop in some holes in the patch panel about every 1/2"- 3/4" or so.

then I was going to lay the patch panel into the flange I made on the quarter panel and clamp it all into place, then I would just spot weld all of the holes I punched into the metal.

after that is all done I plan on using some duraglass in my seam and then grinding it down and then using a skim of body filler and smoothing it off for the final finish.

for the tail panel ....I will basically be drilling out old spot welds and removing the panel,swapping over all my tail light brackets and what not, popping in new holes in the panel for spot welding.....pop it back into the car and weld it in place and then using duraglass for the seams where the lead would have been from the factory.

again, this is all just a quick run down of what I was thinknig of doing when I do finally get to work on it .....but its not set in stone....I just wanted to run the process I was planning on past those of you who have "been there & done that" to see what you thought about the plan.

also, if anyone has any more detail info and pictures that show more details on how you did your patch panel replacements and or tail panel replacement I would really appreciate it..... even knowing as much as I know....I make no claims to being an expert and always like learning tricks of the trade I might not know.

thanks again