Auto Trans. Shifts real hard into 2nd gear and hard shift into Rev.

Thank you Memike and Redfish for getting back to me so fast, You guys are right, first gear does wind out and shifts late sometimes and I can control the shift with the gas pedal, When i start the car it does high idle for a while, then i will kick it down, before I leave{I baby the car so much} Would that pressure valve cause rev. to shift hard also?
I just got new motor mounts and everything checked out for broken mounts in Aug 2010, because i thought that might be the trouble for the hard shifts.
I never knew about the pressure valve to the trans.
Is that something I can do on my own? I have a manual for my scamp, I will check it out!
Memike you are a good tech, Thank you both so much.
Take care God Bless
Anything else you think about please let me know, I will be chatting with you all soon.