"Rookie-Touring" '69 Dart

Got a bunch done today. Welded the chassis into the car, welded the rear tubes in, finished straightening the front & rear rails, started cutting and mocking up the mounts for the front bumper, reset the rear suspension in order to measure for mounts. Also got the first set of front suspension mounts delivered today. The rest of my mounts should be in tomorrow. BIG thanks to Greg (chopsmitty) for helping with these. Here are a few pics...

I have thought a few times over the course of this build that I never expected to see my car look like this...

The first step in putting together bumper mounts, these have a LONG way to go...

Resetting the rear suspension and the rear tubes that have been welded in...

And finally, the brackets Greg designed and cut for me. Tonight we took measurements for motor mounts as well as rear suspension. Still putting together a tube that will run between the LCA mounts...

Sorry for the dark pics, my wife leaves and all of a sudden I can't work the camera?

Hopefully I have another great day tomorrow getting the UCA mounts welded in, more work on the front bumper mounts, starting the rear bumper mounts, and begin adding some additional rigidity to the back-bone of the chassis. All of a sudden that's a big list. More to come...