rotary phone

Someone ought to release a cover of Tommy Tutone's 1982 hit, TOwnsend 7-5309

(Not sure what your named exchange was? See this handy chart.)

Thanks for the Exchange Name chart 8) .

In Whittier Ca , there were a few different e.n.'s :

OXford 2, 8 and 9

OXbow 3 , 5 , 6

WHithal 3 ,5 , 7

WHitney 1 , 2 , 6

Funny you should mention Tommy Tutone's " 867-5309 ( Jenny)" .
When I was in high school ( mid 80's ) , there was a psychedelic band that some friends had . They did an Arthur Lee & Love-style version of that song , but called it "TOpaz-75309" , as TOpaz was the local exchange for Downey / Santa Fe Springs .