
Hi. I have had HID installed on 2 of my cars cars over the last couple of years. I have no idea of the brands, I just asked the speed shop to bring what ever brand they sell in. I have had absolutely no problems with either set nor the cops.

That's good that you haven't had a ticket yet, but just 'cause you haven't been stopped doesn't mean your headlights are OK. They're not; they're unsafe. "HID kits" in halogen-bulb headlamps or fog/auxiliary lamps (any kit, any lamp, any vehicle no matter whether it's a car, truck, motorcycle, etc.) do not work safely or effectively, which is why they are illegal. See here for details. And yes, that ("HID kit" in halogen headlamps) is what you've been buying at the speed shop.

The older I get, the more light I want

Yep. Older eyes don't work as well as younger ones. But -- again -- the second most important factor in how well you see at night isn't the raw amount of light, but where it is distributed. You're much better off with a headlamp that produces half the light but focuses it usefully vs. a headlamp that produces twice the light focused poorly.

I thought about a set of driving lights

"Driving lamp" or "driving light" is a widely misunderstood term. People use it to refer to all kinds of different lights. In fact, driving lamps are auxiliary high beams. They are effective, safe, and legal only for use with the vehicle's main high beam headlamps on dark, empty roads (or off road). Never with low beams, never by themselves, and never in traffic.

There are a few good auxiliary low beams that are traffic-compatible and offer a real help at night. But none of the little mini lites you can buy are worth messing with.

Really, if you need to see reasonably well at night and you are on a tight budget, put in relays (which will improve the performance of even the cruddiest headlamp) and a pair of [ame=http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000H29WN2]GE Night Hawk H6024NH[/ame] sealed beams, twenty bucks apiece, the only good cheap headlamp on the market and the only sealed beam worth messing with.

Don't be nervous, bad lights are a danger to you and others.

That is extremely true.

Oh, and make sure they are aimed correctly..

That is also extremely important. Beam aim is in fact the number-one most important factor in how well you see at night. You're safer with a cruddy headlamp aimed correctly than with a good headlamp aimed poorly. Aim info here.