You guys/gals are gonna be sick of me...

I work at Honeywell as an aerospace machinist, it sounds cool, but it's one of the most monotonous jobs ever.... And I can't even get away with working on "G" jobs (personal jobs hehe).... If I start loosing it atleast you guys will be my witnesses. I'm curious to see what 36 hrs of OT + 80 reg looks like on a check though. I'm sure I'll make a list and have it all spent before I even start.

In high school I worked as a machinist for very well known company in the R/C world, and I completely agree for the most part I was bored out of my friggn noggin, most fun I had was when I got to machine the stock for the CNC's because we still did it with hand ran lathe's. The CNC machines themselves were definitely boring, also got sick of the coolant shredding my hands...non toxic my ***......