Charlie Sheen

I think hes acting crazy on purpose, you can kinda tell on his interview. when he says things like "oh, too far?" and just over all telling the honest truth. He knows what hes doing. probably one of the coolest, most down to earth guys ever, he actually LIVES, he takes life head on, we need more people like him!! im sick of everyone being boring and lame, wake up and live already!

I sort of feel the same way.

Yes, he has addictions. And he acts like an *** sometimes.

But all of us at times act the same way.

The only difference is that no one cares about OUR piddly lives.....the media has turned Charlie into a focus-point. He has fed into it, yes...and is poking fun at the folks who single him out.

As far as his comments about his show?

That show WOULD be dead without him.....if that werent the case, the studio would have pushed on without him. But lets face it, he IS (was) the show. He told it like it is.

We see the same behavior from out of control ball players but thats OK because those guys can win "us" superbowls....LOL

Hey, we are all quirky and have our demons.

At least Sheen makes no excuses for his.

Just my $.02 8)