Charlie Sheen

Some of these actors/performers don't have a grip on reality, that's why they die young.
Booze, drugs, partying, all of that money available and in a seemlessly never ending supply.
They are their own worst enemies.
I find it hard to feel sorry for them at all, except it's a waste of talent.
Belushi, Joplin, Hendrix, Morrison, Radner, Farley come to mind.
Charlie Sheen has a lot going for him if he would straighten himself out.

Dont say he was good...say you liked the movie....good is a matter of perspective LOL....He wasnt in Ferris Bueller....I havent seen Wraith in a very long time and Hot Shots was a stupid knock off...JMO though

Check your facts first guys.

Gilda was a saint and Sheen was in FBDO.

I think he can do what wants. Its his money. And to those who feel sorry for the rest of the cast its not like thier careers were going anywhere before the show.

Party on Charlie!

[ame=""]YouTube - Charlie Sheen on Ferris Bueller's Day Off[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Major League - Wild Thing[/ame]