Charlie Sheen

I think he can do what wants. Its his money. And to those who feel sorry for the rest of the cast its not like thier careers were going anywhere before the show.

My opinion is it his money and his life he can do with it what ever he likes. He earned that right by working for it , .

Some of you guys need a morality check. First the activities here are

HIGHLY ILLEGAL by any definiton

Second, we have kids involved (or did) in this madness

and last, it should NOT be someone's right to self destruct. Best example I can think of is Howard Hughes. At some point the "people around you" have to take some responsibility.

So far as the comment about the "rest of the cast", it ISN'T just the rest of the cast, it's the crew, the makeup, the cameramen, HUNDREDS of people are idled by this moron so he can have a party.