I just can't let it go!!

Mikey my boy, you ever threaten to leave like that again, and I'll come down there and ***** slap ya'!! :)
Now, don't let people from the lesser side of life drag you down to their level. You don't need to wallow with the pigs to get muddy and have a bad smell sometimes - they can get close enough to just rub off on you. Wash it off and carry on.
You and I go back a long way on this site, but you have to think that when you get the sheer number of members that we have now, you're bound to attract people who are know-it-alls, and the holier than thou types. Ignore them. We were here before they got here, and we'll be here long after they're gone.
Remember Sid's credo: Life is just one big hole. You spend 9 months trying to get out of one, the rest of your life trying to get back into one, and then they bury you in one. Anything that happens in between just for fun.
Have a great day buddy. :)