Charlie Sheen

Some of you guys need a morality check. First the activities here are

HIGHLY ILLEGAL by any definiton

Second, we have kids involved (or did) in this madness

and last, it should NOT be someone's right to self destruct. Best example I can think of is Howard Hughes. At some point the "people around you" have to take some responsibility.

So far as the comment about the "rest of the cast", it ISN'T just the rest of the cast, it's the crew, the makeup, the cameramen, HUNDREDS of people are idled by this moron so he can have a party.

"Highly illegal"?

Yes, I would say the drug use is.

Banginhg hookers? I never understood why its illegal. If a grown adult wants to spend his/her hard earned money for sex, let them...regulate it and tax it.

Kids? Yeah....but how many "normal" folks...maybe some here.....have their own dramas at home right now that involve kids?

Charile's "self destructing" has been going on for decades.

The show wasnt shut down because of Charlie's fact, the show clearly profitted by them. The show creator Chuck Lorre WROTE the show basing it on CHarlie's real life escapades.

The show was shut down because Charlie made some comments about Lorre....who has made loads of cheese from Charlie's antics.

Doesnt it seem sort of dickish to on one hand rake in boatloads of cash for years on a show you base on someone's antics in real life, and then turn around and close the show down, blaimg it on those same antics?


I guess now that Lorre has had the payoff, he is OK with cutting loose Sheen.

This isn't about Charlie's antics...its about two egos....Charlie's and Chuck's. THAT is why the show is shut down, putting hundreds of people out of work.

Chuck COULD just laugh it off, or try and solve the obvious issues he and Charlie have and everyone could be once again pulling in the cash......but neither ego wants to let up.

Only Charlie is making his side 100% public, to the shock of many.

Lorre is staying silent and playing the "its all Charlie's fault" car....and it's easy for him to look like the good guy because Charlie obviously DOES have some substance abuse issues. Good scapegoat.

And dont forget how the media is playing into all this....blowing things out of proportion.....Charlie's "anti-semetic" comment? Hogwash. He called him by his Jewish name and apparantly took some liverties in changing his first name to the jewish version.

So what.

Damn country is too politcally correct anyways. "Diversity" is being crammed down our throats and anyone who doesnt tow the line is labeled a bigot or an anti-semite or gay basher or whatever.

AS a white man I cant use "the N word", but a black man can call me a honkey or cracker.

We have BET, but where is WET?

We as viewers ande as a country are sprialing out of control and Charlie is just one of us....difference is, he is very public and very vocal about it.

Charlie may be going beyond "good taste" or "courtesy".

But ask yourself.....would most of the TV shows on these days be as popular as they are if the stars WERENT a bit beyond good taste and courtesy?

The Andy Griffith show and Leave it to beaver are long gone.

Its characters are gone.

And so is the innocence of the viewers that used to watch them.

"Don't hate the game....hate the playa."