Stop changing your oil!

Here's a neat ad from the Jan 1953 Popular Mechanics magazine.:downtown:

It seems that changing motor oil is just a big conspiracy the oil companies came up with!
If you use the new 'LIFE-KLEEN' filter, you'll never change your oil again...just add more as needed.
The only thing that ever needs changing is the super-nifty 'MIZER-X' refill cartridge.
It may resemble a plain wad of cotton, but was surely designed by a bunch of smart guys in white
lab coats holding test tubes containing mysterious fizzing liquids.

If you have any doubts about using it, well don't worry for a second.
There's a full lifetime (uh, wait - 30 day) money back guarantee.
You don't even have to send them your destroyed engine to get your $10 back...