WOW...Very early Barracuda prototype found in old barn!!!!!!

A little known fact....

There were a number of other names considered for the car before deciding on the name "Barracuda"....

The Plymouth "Tarpin"... nope small car, big fish
The Plymouth "Marlin".... nope, already taken by AMC
The Plymouth "Carpacuda"... no one had ever seen one so the stylists were stumped!!
The Plymouth "Sunfish"... nope, already taken by Nella

So, in the end, the brass at the top had to make do with what they had... they cut the budget, pared down the body (fins had already gone out of style in the 50's anyway) and used a rehashed old picture from the Starkist tuna can and voila, the car we love so well!!!

So, now you know the rest of the story