Posting pic's

I have been told I must re-size the pic's! .

I don't get your problem. Every computer that runs Whinewhored even if it comes with nothing else, comes with Microshaft Paint. You can use Paint to resize, if you cannot use anything else.

[ame=""]resize, microsoft paint - Google Search[/ame]

There are tons of cute little "resize" programs in the www, just Gargoile 'em

[ame=""]phot resize - Google Search[/ame]

I use Linux, but even if you use Winhosed, you can download (free) and use GIMP

A fairly easy to use hosting site for me is

I just posted a bunch of stuff here:

This was done by taking screenshots, sticking them in Gimp and cropping, then using tinypic to post 'em I don't think it took 10 minutes