Balance Problems...Vibration......

Like BJR said, I'm 99% sure they are all the same dimensions.

For vibrations, if you dont do a lot of them, here's a quick list of things to make note of...

If you feel a vibe:
Does it do it with the car not moving? What rpm does it do it at? Does it get worse (meaning harder shakes) as rpms are raised? Does it go away, then come back? Does it simply speed up with rpm? Are there any noises associated with it? Where do they tend towards? (front of engine, back of engine, left or right sides?)

If it does it while you are moving... What vehicle speeds does it start (and go away)? Does it happen in all forward gears? Does it shake in the steering wheel, or do you feel it in your seat (butt)? Does the car stop evenly, or does it pull to one side or the other? Same noise questions as above.

Answering those accurately will help nail things down for the person trying to help find it. I used to have to have the customer drive me around because they were doing something I dont, and I couldnt get the problem to occur. I just spent about an hour tracing a vibe in my wife's truck..I finally found a tire with a wheel weight mark and the weight gone...but her impression was "the truck's too dangerous to drive and I didnt do anything!"