Car Craft Demon; NOW ALL MOPAR

I just got my new Car Craft, and they have decided to ditch the idea of a non-Mopar engine for this car and instead, use a proper Dodge or Plymouth engine for the project!!!

Can't BELIEVE that "Camaro Craft" came to their senses!

There must have been a LOT of criticism to their idea of defiling that Demon with a G.M. powertrain, for them to change their mind.

NOW, I will have a lot of interest in the build.

I might even drop them a line, congratulating them for doing the right thing, before it was too late....:-o
Thank you Bill :wave: I have seen your reading material from the past and I must say you have some of the best old right up's and now I see you are still keeping up with the people writing these articles :thumbrig:
If I am not mistaken you have some of your own articles you wrote from the past, and know many writers from the past.
I will check in on the Car Craft Demon build and see if I can do the same and drop them a positive feed back on moving to Mother MoPar parts on this Demon build :wave:

Thank you for the update Bill \\:D/