how many here stop drinking

I quit drinking this year as my new year resolution.Next year going to quit smoking.
I quit smoking for two months in the past and smoked only when I was drinking,so basically I was drunk for 2 months....
i quit 3 months ago when my best friend said he was quitting but i have a hot temper anyway, i don have an anger problem i have an idiot problem
I totally agree!
As far a my temper,I am ill tempered to begin with.... and the average customer can be on my nerves but I do not think drinking makes it any better.
The older I get the less patience I HAVE.
I have saved a lot of money by quitting and to tell you the truth the money is going into my mopars and keeping me busy working on them.No time to just bullsh*t with my neighbors and drinking my beer , they all want a car like mine but will not get off their behind and build one.
Now watch out when I quit temper will be on the very edge.