Why do people do this? Waste!

It's not a game, or a psychological challenge. A lot of people get really tired of people stopping by and acting like they're doing that person a favor by "saving" the car. I've seen it a bunch of times where someone stops by and tells the owner that they're just ruining something, and they should give it to them so they can rescue it. They're rude and aggressive. Many people have plans for the cars, or they have a child or relative that wants it, but isn't old enough, or doesn't have the money yet. Maybe they know someone else that has been promised the car. Who knows? The people that I've known that were successful at scoring a neat car actually gave a crap about the people that had the cars. They spent time with them, helped them out, etc. Just stopping by and asking to buy the car over and over comes across as selfish. Who wants to deal with that?

A lot of times, the people that I've seen stop, show up in some sort of clap-trap POS. They get out and want a car way nicer than their own. It doesn't really give the owner confidence that the car will be treated any better than it is in the current state.