how many here stop drinking

Well gentlemen,I was boozing it up way too often. Never got in trouble, I'm a friendly drunk and usually drink at home so I've been very lucky not to have ever gotten a DUI. When my GF pointed out I was drinking 2 - 1.75's of Jack Daniels a week ($80.00) I realized I had a problem. I wasn't an alcoholic just a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings (ha ha).
Now days I limit myself to just wine in the evening, not even the good stuff, just the box stuff. Whether ya admit it or not we all have demons to address. Best wishes to all that are addressing thiers.

I quit a little over 13 years ago as my drinking led to doing drugs like crack and a lot of pot smoking. Im very lucky to have not been caught drinking and driving,doing the drugs and going to jail and all I lost was about $7000 of a bank account. Im also lucky to have a great family structure like my wife, Brother Cosgig and parents who helped keep me from re-lapsing. The way I look at it is I did that stuff for 21 years so I'll try 21 sober and go from there. When you quit you find a lot more time to do the things you love like working on the cars and just being a normal person again. Although I am not a counsler I would accept giving any help I could to someone who might need someone to talk to. If you want to be sober you can!!! Greg