68 Dart first time out

Well with the Dart running well at Irwindale 1/8 mile on Thursday night. I figured might as well try for an 11 sec 1/4 mile time slip out at Fontana on Friday. Here is the results, a little disappointing but still tuning and making changes to hopefully find that 11.50 in the future.

First run 11:15 am
1.706 60'
7.731 1/8
12.114 1/4
112.02 mph

Second run 11:21 am was a hot lap and the car stubmled of the line maybe vapor lock
1.994 60'
8.243 1/8
12.679 1/4
111.01 mph

Third run 12:14 pm
1.704 60'
7.865 1/8
12.282 1/4
111.43 mph