anybody got a good way to degrease a K frame??

hi Y'all

anybody got a good way to thoroughly degrease a K frame specifically inside the damned thing. i used some easy off oven cleaner on my 74 A body K member after scraping most of the really thick dried crust off of it. i let it sit in the bed of my pickup for a few hours in the sun with the oven cleaner on it, and used some small wire brushes to work the grease off it before blasting it with a pressure washer.

the outside looks great. clean as a whistle, however the inside of it where the 2 large triangular holes are in the center underneath it is packed with about an inch of dirt and grease to hold it all together in one big clump.

i got in there as best as i could with a small screwdriver and chipped most of this out, but its really hard to get in there and thoroughly clean it.

i want to temp bolt it into the chassis as a jig, then redo all the welds, and stiffen up the steering box and idler arm areas. then i want to send it off to the powdercoater. for the powdercoat to come out its best it has to be really clean. and sandblasting wont get this off on the inside of the K frame. plus the 250 degree heat to powdercoat will get the grease to moving and probably ruin the powdercoat job.

i was thinking of seeing if the local engine rebuilder shop would put it in their engine block caustic hot tank. this would definitely clean it inside and out, really didnt want to deal with the added expense tho.

anybody got a better idea??
