75 dart sport as daily driver?

It's old and and can have unseen issues that may or may not leed to a brake down. While parts are realitivly inexpensive, you may have to wait on there delivery. Once the bugs are worked out, the cars make good daily drivers, but they do have there cave eats.

IMO, it would be better to have a modern car of not more than a few years old as a daliy driver and the MoPar as a fun weekender. I have run my '79 Magnum as a daily driver for many years. When things got bad, it sat for a bit waiting on parts to arrive that may not be at your local auto parts store.

The worst time was when I drove in the snow, slide sideways into a high curb and bent the lower control arm. It took about 2 weeks to locate one that came from Washington state. I live in New York.