Fallen Troop Condolence Books. Please Read.

Hey all i got this e-mail From a close friend of mine, I think this is a worthy cause and i will support it. I Highly encurage as many of you as i can to do the same. I know 30+ people who have Died in Iraq and Afganistan. Please pass this on. Thank you.

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Howdy Folks,

This is going out as a blind list mass email - my apologies, but as I'm strapped for time over the next couple weeks, this was the easiest way to get this out.

Many of you know I'm big into troop support activities. Living within an hour (give or take a few depending on California traffic) of Camp Pendleton has been a truly awesome experience. Unfortunately, in times of conflict, it can be a bit heart wrenching as well. One of the new projects I've began working on are condolence books for the families of our fallen heroes. So far I've kept myself limited to local troops. I've just about completed my first, am starting on my next two, and hopefully will not have many more to do!

The books consist of condolence letters from people all across the country. There are scrapbook style pages with any articles I can find printed about the fallen troop. I've included poems, prayers, customs and traditions of the military branch they served under. There are also cards that have been sent that have added. Each book is meant to be a collection of supportive words and thoughts that will hopefully help the family understand their veterans sacrifice is not in vain and will not be forgotten. I realize I can't even begin to understand the grief these families are going through, but if just one person gains a small amount of comfort from this, then it will be worth it.

I'll be presenting my first book to the parents of Cpl. William C. James before his services this Saturday. They found out through a reporter I contacted that I was putting this together and have invited me to their home prior to the service. After talking just briefly with them a few times and knowing this already means so much to his family, has inspired me to get moving with the others.

If anyone would like to send a general condolence letter for inclusion in one/any of these books, I will be happy to add it in. You're more than welcome to personalize your notes with the troop's name - just contact me for details. I've received everything from full length letters, to just a couple lines letting the family know their sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. I've been sent poetry, prayers, quotes - all sorts of wonderful things. Nothing is too big or too small - it truly is the thought that counts in this case.

This has been a pretty emotional project for me. I understand the awkwardness of writing a condolence to someone you never knew. It's not easy. If you are able, please send them my way. Feel free to pop me a note with any questions you may have. Feel free to forward this on to anyone and everyone.

With sincere thanks,
Anne & the pups
Email: [email protected]