71 Swinger Voltage regulator Question

Strange, we just went through this today, with the local alternator builder. Converting a 69 model. That regulator is for a 69 down 1 field, but electronic. He said that was what was needed, going to electronic ignition. He is building a late model Denso 90 amp to fit the 69, and grounding 1 field, so we don't have to splice in a wire, if we used the 70 up factory reg.
And he agreed with the madelectric schematic, bypassing the ammeter- said he had done it over 50 times. He also said, with electronic non-factory ignition, that less than a 60 amp, with a/c, would probably stall at idle; not enough power to run ignition. The denso puts out 60 at idle; Mopar went from 45, to 60, then in late 70's to radial, then all now use Denso's.
The lower mount just invovles tweaking the bushing/sleeves, upper adjuster close, tweak, he is changing pulley from serpentine to v belt. $125.
And, we learned that fusible links are a special wire (that he gave us for the bypass).