71 Swinger Voltage regulator Question

He also said, with electronic non-factory ignition, that less than a 60 amp, with a/c, would probably stall at idle; not enough power to run ignition

Bull. Lots of cars left the factory starting in '71 with electronic ignition and much-less-than-60A alternators; they do not stall at idle. Many other cars have been upgraded to many different electronic ignitions without a 60-or-more amp alternator; those don't stall at idle, either.

Mopar went from 45, to 60, then in late 70's to radial

Not sure what this is supposed to mean. A-bodies came with alternators ranging from 30 to 65 amps depending on model year, equipment, and specification. "Radial" is not an output rating and doesn't mean anything with respect to alternators anyhow.