A-Body 8 3/4 open gear 741 case

Oh I do plan to bargin with him, maybe he will go down A few bucks! Here's the thing I know that its been there a while in the huge pile of diffs and axles there in the yard. This place is quite big I would say 20 plus acres. So I did stash it and will go back in a few months and see if it's still there. This place has so much crap there is NO WAY they know what they really have, or don't for that matter! It's really sad because every junk yard owner I have ever run across is hard nosed and I do know they need to make a living, but would you pass up cash on the barrel head or lose a sale on price alone?

I don't really need the unit at this point, just one of those nice to have parts, and slowly rebuild it and have it ready, so when the 7 1/4 blows I can replace it and keep on Moparing!

John B.
Hard nosed? I would be nice when I offered a lower price,If you don't like the guy cash don't matter.And 450 is a good price,but you always hear of lower prices and higher.Good luck