Working out? P90x? other alternatives?

I did P90x for a while when I had time and noticed a big change in muscle mass. How it is set up enables you to vary how hard you work at it depending on your personnel ability. Like some other posters said, just make sure you watch what they do first so you know how to do it correctly. I think the biggest key to success with P90x is personnel honesty. If you are the type of person who won't keep pushing yourself you won't see improvments ( assuming you are working out by yourself ) since no one is in the room with you pushing you on.

I've started working out again, but just by myself with a weight bench in my garage. I already feel better, more energy, etc. I think if you can keep an eye on your diet, most any work out plan will be beneficial. The biggest thing I'd warn against is over exerting yourself initially. From what your original post says, it seems as if you already have quite a bit of pain. Make sure that when you are working out that the burn you are feeling isn't actually hurting you. After 8 years of running cross country and track I've learned the stretching properly is paramount to getting in better shape and feeling better.

Hope this helps!