Is it smart???

hi from Australia, and great thread.

i'm a committed slant-nut, and am looking at my current build in stages.

first will be naturally aspirated with the speco dual single-barrel manifold (running a pair of carter BBS's initially - there's plenty of meat there to modify it to suit dual twin-barrel carbies), extractors and a cam of around the .260 region (not too high on the lift - don't want valves and pistons saying how-de-doodee)

but my future plans involve NOS squirts and . . . a supercharger.

yeah, you're all talking turbo, but what about the 'other white meat'?

there's the eaton M90 (ideally set up as a side-draught with a large weber DCOE maybe, to avoid cutting the bonnet) - this unit is used regularly here on the GM (Holden) V6's

and slightly smaller in scale there is the toyota SC14 (or the baby of the group, the SC12) as used on some of their screaming little four-pots. (since i'm building for a dual-carb set up, how dumb would a dual SC12 set-up be? he he he)

there's another VC sedan (that's a '67 valiant, yo) here in oz running an M90 and hitting 11's.
comparatively, there's plenty of turbo /6's running around. like, turbo /6? it's so mainstream, man.