Project- Bills Buggy

So... last night we fired the buggy up for the first time since starting this winters projects.. 30 seconds of running was all we got in.. there was gas POURING from the back of the carb.. and I mean pouring.. luckily we didnt burn the car or the garage down.. tonight we took the carb off (a Holley 650 double pumper) to investigate.. My one friend rebuilt the carb for me, felt real bad and was ready to make good on the whole thing, but, we decided to tear it apart right there.. lol.. turns out there was a slight brainfart (hey, we're all human) ..the back bowl had no gasket .. that explains that.. one gasket later, carb was back on the car and working perfectly... she was running like a raped date.. took her out in the alley and had a bit of fun.. it felt so good to hear her run, and get her outside, if even only for 10 minutes.. that aluminum intake, double pumper, and .355's out back now, the buggy is SPUNKY!! lol.. now that the fun is over, this week she goes back up on stands and the body work begins.. paint in a month ...