Off to Vegas

Well I'm in Vegas and the pool at my house looks like a green swamp :roll: Pool guy said it'll cost $350 to drain, clean, refill, and set the chemical levels. On the upside I got a job offer from one of the top nightclubs here to be the a manager. I've only been here 2 days and still have the interview I came up here for on the 29th. I was at the club visiting some friends when I was asked if I would consider working there. I said I might consider it and later that night got a call that they fired the manager and would like to meet with me the next day. Well I went to see what they had to say and so far its about $38k/yr to start, $40k/yr after 90days, and incentives every 6 months of between $5k-$10. I told them I'd think about and they asked if I would start the process of getting all the clearances I needed to start work if I decide to take the job. So now I got to take a drug test, get a health clearance, have a backround check done, get my gaming commision card, and a couple of other things done. I need it to work anywhere up here so I guess I'll just get it out of the way sooner than I thought. This club just got voted the Best party place, best place to pick up girls, and the best DJ (who is the friend I'm staying with while I'm up here). I might just take the job for now since the other job I'm interviewing for at the soon to open Wynn Hotel won't be starting till April when the hotel open. Anyway sorry for rambling but it looks like I might be moving up here.